Fold project is taking part of the Helsinki Design Week 2023 as a part of the main exhibition. The exhibition venue is in Merikortteli (Pursimiehenkatu 29) with a theme related to everyday living and the future of work and living spaces.

Fold project presents an exhibition concept called Folded Future that consists of product concepts utilising folded structures designed for industrial scale production. The presented solutions include a variety of folded packaging concepts and interior design solutions as well as experiments with different folded structures and materials for reuse applications.

Fold project group warmly welcomes you to see more! Exhibition is open 13.9.-17.9.2023. Opening times Wed-Fri 14:00-20:00 and Sat-Sun 12:00-20:00.

Get tickets and read more about Helsinki Design Week’s Main venue: HDW Main Venue: Merikortteli – Helsinki Design Week.